Website Advice

Hints and Tips

Website Advice2020-07-09T16:14:13+00:00

The Reasons Why You Need a Freelance WordPress Manager

A website is one of the most important tools that a modern business should have on its side. Not only can they help to showcase your products and services, but they allow you to connect with a global audience. However, to ensure success, you need to build a website which

October 19th, 2020|

How to Make a Website Senior Friendly

The over-65 market is becoming an increasingly important one for the internet, as more and more users come online each day. Many website owners assume that seniors steer clear of the internet, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. And this means that understanding how to make a website

October 5th, 2020|

Common Website Questions

As an online marketing consultant, I’m often asked the same website questions such as my business doesn’t appear in Google searches (SEO), or can I manage my website myself. Here's a list of answers to those common website queries.

February 4th, 2020|

Mobile First Web Design

Since the internet first started becoming mainstream in the ‘90s businesses have sought to take advantage of this technology by building a presence online. Those that were slow to adopt were quickly eclipsed by new entrants to the market who better understood the implications of this digital revolution. The launch

September 30th, 2018|

Getting Started with Content Marketing

Building a website is really just the starting point in a digital marketing strategy, your next steps is to find the best marketing channels to help direct potential customers to your site. There are a number of options available to you, such as social media, paid ads or content marketing

September 4th, 2018|

Building a Digital Marketing Strategy

Over the past few years, most small businesses have come to realise that having a website is no longer a “nice to have”, but an essential part of promoting their company. What people fail to appreciate however, is that to have maximum impact, the website is only one component in

July 30th, 2018|

SEO for Small Businesses

Small businesses need to get to grips with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) if they want to remain competitive and reach as large an audience as possible. SEO isn’t a modern phenomenon, it’s been around for a couple of decades, but getting it right can be tough. This article will cover

June 21st, 2018|

Why Your Local Business Needs a Website

As we have moved into the Information Age it is more important than ever that businesses have a presence online to promote their products and services. Your website can be described as your shop window to the world, and it is equally valuable whether you plan on selling internationally, or

March 16th, 2018|

How can we help?

Let’s have a discussion to find out how we can help your business.
Call 07976 653329 or email

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